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Michał Lewczuk

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Wigs like full lace wigs, lace front wigs …. Etc. These make our life colorful. When wear different hair wigs, they give us different uniformly beautiful. As we know, Hollywood actresses hairstyles are usually followed by most women, so choose lace wigs, we can refer to them. Below are my tips about how to choose right wigs:

1st: you should consider your face shape; if your face is round, you’d better choose medium hairstyles which can cover your cheeks, this can make your face look long and relatively petite. If your face is oval, you can choose wigs with big waves and 6 to 4 pattern or 3 to 7 pattern fringe. But if have a square face, human hair weft you should be careful enough, otherwise, the defects of your face will be uncovered completely. You can choose both side are simple with curly hair ends, it can make you more charming and gentle. If you have a rhombus face, medium hairstyle human hair weave is your choice, especially the wigs have fluffy fringe.

2nd: choose lace wigs, you want it showing best, you should think about your skin color, too! if your skin is white, you are nice natural, but if you choose the wrong lace wigs, that would backfire, too! so light brownish red is your right choice. If you have yellow skin, natural black and light brown wigs may make celebrity lace wigs your face white. Do remember, reject yellow wigs. If your skin color is the natural one which looks healthy and lustrous, you are so lucky that there are so many choices for you, such as yellow, brownish red, wine red, deep purple, deep brown, etc. If your skin is a bit black, you can choose the natural black or deep orange wigs to bright your face.

Well, there still have many factors that influence your choice, like price, quality, hairstyle and even the weather is one factor. Different people have different choices, but wigs are various, there must have one kind of wigs is exclusive to you and may refresh you, also make you charming.

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